
Richard Hudson has spoken to a variety of audiences in North America, Europe, and Africa. His core messages of self-reliance, simple risk analysis and being confident with unknowns have inspired audiences to live their dreams.

After a successful career in technology, interspersed with sailing adventures, Richard started seeing the impact on others that sharing his experiences was causing. He began speaking to audiences large and small as a way of building community in the places he visited, and moved into inspiring people wherever he was to live their dreams.

*You Have Your Dream, now How to Live it?

*Quit Your Job And Sail The World

*Fearless-looking People Aren’t Fearless

Longer Bio:

As a child, I had severe asthma, which took me to the hospital frequently and mostly confined me indoors. I read a lot. I dreamed of travel and adventure, especially, to far-away, difficult places like the far north and south. These dreams seemed far away–I didn’t travel, I didn’t go on adventures, I stayed inside, only wishing.

When I was a teenager, asthma medicines greatly improved and, suddenly, I could live a normal life! I’ve been fully living my dreams of travel & adventure, or working towards them, ever since.

Among other things, I’ve lived in five countries and sailed my boats from the Arctic to the Tropics to Antarctica. I enjoy sharing these experiences with the people that I meet and I see how many people dream of travel & adventure but get stuck in their lives and don’t go. These are the people I want to inspire—to encourage in taking the first step away from the ordinary to jump in with both feet to live their dreams.

Richard Hudson


See Richard Speak, short demo

Interview of Richard Hudson by Hugh Reilly of ThatChannel.com

For more videos of Richard speaking, go to:
